House & Home Blogs

You know when you “know” but you don’t really, really know until you get that ah-ha moment of deeper insight? That’s what happened to me the other day as I thought about who I was hanging out with - online.  I’m a gardener now … because  I realized
Congrats to SawyerHomestead for winning the The Sourdough Whisperer: The Secrets to No-Fail Baking with Epic Results by Elaine Boddy in the November Giveaway! Everyone who posts a finished recipe or DIY project during the month of January will be ent
Carey Pressure Canner Review (continued) As soon as I found out that they now make electric pressure canners, I was shopping!  My research ended up with the purchase of the Carey version.  Trial #1 was the very expensive chicken thighs.  I cubed up
Living my vision board For me, a vision board isn’t just about goal-setting, but, rather, clarifying my lifestyle, how I want to life my life.  “Envision the life. Then, live it.” When talking homesteading, the recurring message is that growing som
As soon as I saw that they now make electric/digital pressure canners, I went shopping online!! The first couple of canners that I saw were for about  $700 Canadian and so it went on my wish list for “some day”. I told Rick about them and he said “
Last night I was up, several times, babysitting the freeze-dryer. Something was amiss with the machine and I kept getting the error message and alarm. My options were to just shut it off and try again tomorrow or get up and try and get the error r
Happy New Year! We finally got to have our Christmas dinner with the family and for veggies, I decided to harvest some of the carrots that are in my greenhouse. This is a first .. not just the first of the year but the first time that I have ever h
“Grow what you eat.” That’s the best gardening tip there is! Grow what you eat or what you are going to eat. [What-to-grow-in-a-garden.PNG] Make a List What do you and your family like to eat? List your top 5-10 favourite meals. Make a Second Li
You are living your dream right now - or you could be. [Living-the-dream.PNG] Your dream might be for the things you want to have but if you look at that dream more closely, you can see the lifestyle that you want to have, with the individual goals
[Homesteadian_kitchen-hub.PNG] 2023, for me, will be a year for even more conscious living than I created last year. Homesteading, steadying the home, is about being more engaged in the process of the foods we feed our family and being less of a co
[Preserving-foods.PNG] I love my vintage cookware. … and I love my modern gadgets. I was watching a video the other day and the cook was using an electric pressure canner. I was excited and intrigued. Back in the day when I was learning about pr
[Homesteadian_eating-out.jpg] I heard this somewhere, recently, about eating out: we should consider eating out as entertainment vs nourishment.  This isn’t to say that some restaurants don’t serve highly nutritional meals but there is a mindset shi