Cooking & Preserving #21: Fresh lettuce in December!

We had a fresh garden salad today, this Christmas Eve day.

Fresh? How fresh?

Well, I picked it, put some dressing on it, and ate it. That fresh!

30 days ago I set up my indoor, hydroponics gardening system and started some “45 day” lettuce seeds. 

Here we are, 30 days in, and the lettuce is lush and tasty. I harvested just some of the leaves off of two of the six plants. 

It is wonderful to have fresh salad and salad from a known source - me! 

Now, I don’t really enjoy salads, but I do love lettuce on sandwiches and tacos etc. 

The hydroponic system is a win. 

What’s next?

I’m not sure but I think it is time to extend this experiment. What should I try?? 
- Debbie


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