2025 #1: Let the journey begin.. again


This is part 1 in a 2 part series: 2025

  1. Let the journey begin.. again
  2. Winter Tomatoes

January: new beginnings, new possibilities

For me, it’s time to set some goals for this year. 


1. Keep it simple
I don’t plan on doing a lot of experimenting this year and to really focus on the necessities in my gardens. Why? Primarily to keep the maintenance requirements down

2. Find the best place to set up my Greenstalks (vertical gardening) for accessibility and maintenance 

3. Grow what I eat and eat what I grow - and really focus on “in season” produce for meals and preserving 

4. And finally, relating to all of the above, deciding what I want to grow myself and what is best sourced from the community (from those who can grow it better than me). 


My seeds have been purchased and, I have to admit, that goal number one is already in question. There are seeds on their way that fall into the category of experimenting and “just because.” 


I almost forgot about my hydroponics system! 
I have set it up and have two dwarf tomato plants started. 
My goal is to get those little plants into the GreenStalk planter at the end of May and have ripe tomatoes soon after. I’m crossing my fingers. 

I also have some lettuce plants started for fresh greens this spring. 

And there you have it: the beginnings of my 2025 homesteading-ish year. 

Keeping it simple,

a simpler life