Cooking & Preserving

Making paprika seasoning from scratch. I did it !!!    I made paprika using peppers from my own garden.  The Peppers These particular seeds, SWEET PAPRIKA,  came from William Dam Seeds. [E13E559B-BCCB-4340-88BF-C7DC9E34B400.png] There is another v
how to make your own plum sauce [DDCA0A10-DA35-41C5-AD44-D01C767F2A44.jpeg] The plums actually came from my neighbours. He has a tree that is simply loaded with fruit every year.  This year,
What to do with leftover potatoes? Preserve them. We recently had a big family get-together and I made lots of potatoes … and I had lots of potatoes left over.  There is no way that Rick and I could eat all of them before they started going bad, so
Preserving milk before it goes bad My mom had some milk that she wasn’t going to use up, so I freeze-dried it!  How to freeze-dry milk • I poured the milk onto trays (with the trays already in the freezer) and let it freeze. I could have put it dire
Well, I’d say that I have finally made this biscuit recipe work for me and this last batch was so good that I’m now thinking about how I can adapt it.  The Basic Recipe • 1 c flour • 2 tsp baking powder • 1/8 tsp baking soda • 1/2 tsp salt • 1/3 c la
Frost has arrived and there are a lot of green tomatoes… but you don’t have time to can them. [FC032FB9-E01C-495D-B483-05F03EB586E8.png] I have all of these green tomatoes but I also have a long list of things to do and I don’t want to spend the day
Organic wheat berries make nutrient-rich salad and flour [Wheat_berries_salad.jpg] My Wheat Berries  I recently purchased a large bucket of organic wheat berries, with the intention of: 1. using it instead of rice and  2. grinding it into flour for
Storage of freezedried food [Longterm_storage_of_freezedried_food.PNG] I was recently asked how I store my freeze-dried food. This is my process. My Storage Options I have two options that I use to store the food that I have preserved through the f
Ham Soup: a frugal meal on my homestead  [Ham_soup_frugal_meals.PNG] Today, I bought a ham, with bone in, for just $10. Now that is a good price, here in Canada, but even better when I think about how many meals that I’m going to get out of it.  Mak
You want to start making homemade bread from scratch. What should you have ready, in your kitchen and pantry? [What_you_need_to_bake_bread.PNG] “Picture that homemade loaf of bread sitting on the table, made (with love) for your family or guests. ”
Cooking with home-canned pears [Preserved_pears_crumble_dessert_recipe.PNG]  Preparing the Pears Let’s get started:  1. Preheat the oven to 375 F 2. Butter (heavily) baking pan. I chose to use my large cast iron pan, to bake the pear crumble 3. I op
A ”this and that” soup from scratch [Homemade_Soup.PNG] You know that PEAR CRUMBLE that I made today? Well, rather than scrubbing out all the residue of the sweet batter in the pot, I just used it “as is” for my homemade soup.  I thought it would