Can I grow hydroponic lettuce?
Let-us see if this hydroponics works for me, for growing lettuce
With the cost of lettuce rising to a predicted $10, I see that our options are to:
• Not eat lettuce again until sp
Thursday, (November 17, 2022) my hydroponics gardening system from Moistenland arrived through Amazon.
Friday morning, I set up the system and planted some lettuce seeds.
The Seeds
Earlier this fall, I had ordered my garden seeds for
“How is my lettuce doing”, you ask?
It has been amazing, watching the lettuce grow before our eyes.
One afternoon, we saw it jump within an hour. It is wild! I’m loving this experiment.
I’m still predicting that it will be two more weeks befor
Grow your own food … indoors … in the winter … in Canada …. Can I?
That was the goal and the question when I decided to try using a hydroponic gardening system.
I’m now 18 days in and I’m so pleased and excited.
The Seeds
The lettuce seeds are th
We had a fresh garden salad today, this Christmas Eve day.
[Hydroponic-lettuce .PNG]
Fresh? How fresh?
Well, I picked it, put some dressing on it, and ate it. That fresh!
30 days ago I set up my indoor, hydroponics gardening system and started som
Can I use the hydroponic system for seed starting?
Last year, I grew some drawf tomato plants in my hydroponic system.
It was fun; the tomatoes were cute but they didn’t taste like much.
After the last frost date, I decided to put them in my Gr
By February I can feel the itch, the desire to get started on the garden.
But, sadly, it is far too early and I have to wait
except - for the hydroponics system.
At the end of December, I set up my hydroponics system and started