Can I grow hydroponic lettuce?
Let-us see if this hydroponics works for me, for growing lettuce
With the cost of lettuce rising to a predicted $10, I see that our options are to:
• Not eat lettuce again until sp
Thursday, (November 17, 2022) my hydroponics gardening system from Moistenland arrived through Amazon.
Friday morning, I set up the system and planted some lettuce seeds.
The Seeds
Earlier this fall, I had ordered my garden seeds for
Winter Damage in the Hoophouse
Freezing temperatures have damaged crops in the Hoophouse. - November 29/22
I set up my greenhouses last spring and they have been a win, win, win!
I was especially happy when I was picking and eati
We had a fresh garden salad today, this Christmas Eve day.
[Hydroponic-lettuce .PNG]
Fresh? How fresh?
Well, I picked it, put some dressing on it, and ate it. That fresh!
30 days ago I set up my indoor, hydroponics gardening system and started som
Happy New Year!
We finally got to have our Christmas dinner with the family and for veggies, I decided to harvest some of the carrots that are in my greenhouse.
This is a first .. not just the first of the year but the first time that I have ever h
Last fall, I wrapped up our hoophouses (greenhouses) for the season, partly because I didn’t know what to expect but primarily, to be honest, I wanted a break from gardening.
Silly me.
Did you see my post about the carrots? I dug up carrots from t
When I was young, we frequently heard the phrase:
“You will eat a peck of dirt in your lifetime. ”
That was definitely true, back in the day.
Today, in 2023, I wonder how much dirt we do consume and what are the benefits?
Winter’s last kick at the can, one last heavy ice and snow storm, wreaked havoc on my Hoophouse … it had done so well.
We had a lot of ice and snow and I forgot to go clear the roof it the Hoophouse …
The frame is now bent and twisted from the wei
Winter’s last kick at the can, one last heavy ice and snow storm, wreaked havoc on my Hoophouse … it had done so well up to this point.
We had a lot of ice and snow and I forgot to go clear the roof of the Hoophouse …
The frame is now bent and twi
By February I can feel the itch, the desire to get started on the garden.
But, sadly, it is far too early and I have to wait
except - for the hydroponics system.
At the end of December, I set up my hydroponics system and started