Sourdough Journey #15: Why is my sourdough green?

Sourdough bread #2, using The Sourdough Whisperer Method

The Inspiration

The main inspiration for this loaf of bread was my LAST loaf of bread!
The first one was so delicious and so easy and fun to make that I just had to do a repeat to see if I’d get the same results. 

But I changed it up

Always on “the learning curve”, I couldn’t just do the exact same thing as last time. I had to experiment a bit!

For this loaf, I wanted to sneak in some extra nutrients with some of my freeze-dried, powdered kale. (Not exactly powdered; more crumbled)

And, while I was using my freeze-dried, I decided to use some of my wild garlic infused salt, as well. 

The Recipe

For the recipe, I followed Elaine Boddy’s recipe for the mini sourdough loaf, from her books The Sourdough Whisperer.

When adding the flour, I sprinkled in a handful of dried kale, including it as part of the grams. (It didn’t register, by the way, but that was my process. 

For the salt, I just replaced the regular salt with my homemade wild garlic salt. 

As with my first loaf, I started it early the day before and baked it early on the day of so that I would have fresh, homemade, made from scratch, sourdough bread for breakfast. 

The Result 

I don’t think I have ever tasted anything so delicious!

There is just that hint of tang of the sourdough and a hint of garlic from the salt and there is not a hint of flavour of the kale - which is exactly what we like, as we don’t like kale. That is why I freeze-dried it, so I can sneak the nutrients into foods without having to taste it!

This bread is 💯 success!! And definitely worth repeating.

Love it.


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a simpler life

I followed the same recipe and here is my loaf. It didn't rise as much as I would have liked so I'm worried about how she will be when I cut her later today.

That looks delicious!!

Elaine said that mine could have used anothe 5-10 minutes so that it would have been brown like yours is !!

And all that splitting is because of a rise … I think it is perfect!!

a simpler life

I’m making a third loaf today but nothing is turning out right in the kitchen today so I’m not holding my breath that my third will be as good as the first two 

a simpler life