Homesteadian Blogs

[Preserving-foods.PNG] I love my vintage cookware. … and I love my modern gadgets. I was watching a video the other day and the cook was using an electric pressure canner. I was excited and intrigued. Back in the day when I was learning about pr
[Homesteadian_eating-out.jpg] I heard this somewhere, recently, about eating out: we should consider eating out as entertainment vs nourishment.  This isn’t to say that some restaurants don’t serve highly nutritional meals but there is a mindset shi
Today is Christmas and we were supposed to be hosting the family get-together but … the big storm hit.  Let’s backtrack a bit .. Friday, I had started the bread-making process. I took the sourdough starter from the fridge, let it warm up to room temp
[7BFCA21D-7F22-4CA0-84AD-15696F34E2A5.png] It’s early Christmas morning and due to the weather and some “under the weather-ness” our family get-together has been postponed. That leaves me with a lot of free time on my hands. So what do I do? Some m
We had a fresh garden salad today, this Christmas Eve day. [Hydroponic-lettuce .PNG] Fresh? How fresh? Well, I picked it, put some dressing on it, and ate it. That fresh! 30 days ago I set up my indoor, hydroponics gardening system and started som
Here we are, a couple of days before Christmas and we are getting the winter storm of the year! Weather predictions are ice, snow, and high winds. It doesn’t look good for our power stability. [Winter_storm_prepared.PNG] Winter Readiness Although
What seeds should you order? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Only you know what the answer to that, even if you don’t think you do! My Seed Ordering Strategies 1. Grow what you like to eat.  2. Add an experiment.  Grow what you eat … or what you “will eat”. I don’t especial
Are you having a big family gathering and serving a turkey for the feast? Don’t throw out the turkey bones/carcass when you are done eating. The turkey bones are a great resource for making bone broth. [Turkey_bone-broth.PNG] Cook your turkey a
Goal: to have a pantry full of foods to provide you for the next 6-12 months or so (ex. from harvest season to harvest season) 2 Inexpensive strategies  1. Buy one more:  when doing your weekly shopping, instead of one set of supplies for a meal, (a
As I write this, Christmas is less than a week away and I want to serve some sage-flavoured sourdough bread that I made from scratch, with my two little hands. And that means some experimenting. [Sourdough-experiment.PNG] The Experiments 1. To ma
I began my “seriously sourdough” journey 5 loaves ago, after discovering the book THE SOURDOUGH WHISPERER by Elaine Boddy. [Sourdough_experiment.PNG] Experiment #1 My first loaf I made, the mini-loaf recipe in the book, was not only an experiment w