Gardening #12: What seeds should I order?

What seeds should you order? 🤷🏻‍♀️
Only you know what the answer to that, even if you don’t think you do!

My Seed Ordering Strategies

  1. Grow what you like to eat. 
  2. Add an experiment. 

Grow what you eat … or what you “will eat”.
I don’t especially like green beans and, last year, we had an abundance of green beans in the garden. And I ate them … because I grew them.
I experimented with recipes and found something that we liked. And .. I freeze-dried the rest as they are great in soups in the winter.

And.. I will grow them again next year because of the abundance of food I get from just a few plants.

Grow what you will preserve is another great tip. Harvest “in season” and preserve them for when they are not. Don’t leave food on the vine!
You can freeze them, can them, dehydrate them, ferment them, or freeze-dry them. Then, EAT THEM throughout the winter. Don’t leave food on the shelf (beyond their shelf-life date). 

Harvest “in season” and preserve them for when they are not. 

Grow the “tried and true” and then experiment with new varieties.
Not only do you want to be harvesting delicious foods that you love but you also want that feeling of achievement from having grown foods that you love.

Depending on your growing space, you may not have a lot of room for experimenting, but if you can (or a neighbour will let you use some of their space) try an experiment variety. You never know; it may become your favourite “tried and true” for next year.

Speaking of space: think that through. You don’t have to plant every seed in a packet but you do need to think about how much space a single plant needs and how much room you have. Don’t let the excitement of seed-shopping have you buying things that will fail because you just couldn’t give them a good growing environment.

Seed shopping is so much fun - it is part of the dreaming and envisioning.

There are the dream seeds and the reality seeds.
Be a smart seed-shopper and enjoy the journey!
- Debbie

a simpler life