Sourdough Journey #18: Sourdough - experimenting with flavour

I began my “seriously sourdough” journey 5 loaves ago, after discovering the book THE SOURDOUGH WHISPERER by Elaine Boddy.

Experiment #1

My first loaf I made, the mini-loaf recipe in the book, was not only an experiment with the recipe itself but was also an experiment with timing, adjusting Elaine’s times to fit my schedule.
The result? Bread for brunch. Perfect. And it was delicious.

Experiment #2

Loaf number two, was an experiment to add in some freeze-dried (and crumbled) kale leaves as well as some salt that had been mixed with freeze-dried wild garlic leaves. 

This loaf was so good that it is now my go-to recipe. 
The kale, which doesn’t seem to add any flavour, brings the bonus of kale nutrients to the bread WIN! 

Experiment #3

Next, came the pizza dough…check out my blog… result? Delicious and perfect timing for us. 

Experiment #4

That brings us to today.

Next week is Christmas and I host the family dinner. I had an idea to add freeze-dried, crumbled sage leaves to the dough. Would this make a lovely bread that had the aromatics of turkey stuffing? And, would it taste delicious?

Yesterday, I made the dough, infused with the sage. 

Now, for the kale, I have been crumbling two handfuls of leaves into the dough. For the sage, I was worried that the flavour would be overpowering, so I only added one small handful.

Experiment #4: The results

Today, I baked the bread and the result was a very subtle hint of sage, which was really enticing but I want it to be a tad more noticeable.

Tomorrow, I will be doing “Experiment #5” with a little more sage than in this one … however - by the time I am done experimenting, I will have used all of my freeze-dried sage harvest, so I will be turning to powdered sage that I bought from the store. How much should I use? I will let you know after I try it.

I also want to try making buns instead of bread, so Experiment #5 is going to be a big leap!

Note to self: next year, harvest and preserve more sage.  
- Debbie


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