Hydroponics Indoor Gardening #2: Lettuce- Day 3



Thursday, (November 17, 2022) my hydroponics gardening system from Moistenland arrived through Amazon. 

Friday morning, I set up the system and planted some lettuce seeds. 

The Seeds

Earlier this fall, I had ordered my garden seeds for next spring. Amongst the order was some DILLON lettuce seeds. 

I hadn’t planned on ordering any lettuce seeds, as we just don’t eat it that much and I can just purchase it from the store.

But… Rick’s last name is Dillon and I had ordered “Hilda” beans seeds (after my mom) and “Jacob” beans (after my dad), so I just had to add “Dillon” to the list. 

Now, when they arrived and I’m looking at my order, I realize that the lettuce seeds had come in a package of thousands 😳.

From not wanting any lettuce seeds, I now had enough to feed my entire family and neighbours and … 

Hydroponics System

This past week, the big story in the news that was the cost of lettuce. Some issue somewhere has resulted in a shortage of lettuce and the price is predicted to go up to $10 for a head of lettuce. 

We don’t eat much, but we do eat lettuce and that is just too expensive. 

What if I grew my own? In winter. In my house. In one of the new hydroponic systems.

And so I made the investment. I have planted 6 seeds and that will almost pay for itself after I harvest them. 

Seed Growth 

DILLON LETTUCE: 45 day variety

Day 1: planted
Day 2: ~
Day 3: sprouts (they all sprouted)

Now, maybe in a couple of weeks, we will be harvesting fresh lettuce.

This is an exciting experiment.
- Debbie

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a simpler life