My Home #6: What to buy a homesteader for their kitchen


This is part 6 in a 13 part series: My Home

What to buy for a homesteader’s kitchen?

I’ve been spending a lot more time in my kitchen these days and I’ve had to buy some things and dig out some old. 

And, I’ve made my wish list for things that I’d love to have. Many of these things are luxurious and many are must-haves 

Some things are too large for small kitchens but may also be so helpful that a homesteader would make room!! 

What makes a wonderful gift? 

Let’s think: What does a homesteader do in the kitchen?

When gift-giving, this is where we need to start: thinking about what your special person does, could do, wants to do. 

In the kitchen, a homesteader: 
  • Grows food
  • Preserves food
  • Prepares food 
  • Eats food 

As that person’s special person, we can enhance what they do, make it easier to do what they do, or inspire them to do more than what they do. 
[note: This list may contain affiliate links from which, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission if you choose to use my link … and if you do, know that I appreciate you!]

Growing food in the kitchen typically means having herbs growing on the windowsill. 
They may like: 
If you want to go big, there are growing systems that you can buy: 

Preserving Food
  • Canning lids (these aren’t always available so having extras is a treasure!)
  • Canning jars  (also not always available)
  • Gallon jars with metal lids - fantastic for storing bulk items
  • Canning kit: small or large with kettle 
  • Fermenting weights 
  • Drying mat (heat resistant) to put hot pots and jars on 
  • Labels for all those storage jars
  • Jar carrier basket - picture your special person gathering jars of preserved food from the pantry and having to carry them to the kitchen. This would be very handy) 
  • Fabric and Ribbon (for gift giving)  
  • Shelving 
  • Harvest Right Freeze-Dryer: the company has a referral program. I’d gladly share all that I’ve learned with you and be your referral person (and get you some free Mylar bags!). Message me.

Preparing Food 

Serving Food
  • Charcuterie board (you probably have a woodworker in the community that you can support - or make it yourself)

That’s a long list and a good start. 

  • What does YOUR special person like to do in the kitchen? 
  • What have they talked about for their “wish list”? 
  • What would they never buy for themselves? 
  • And .. what do they have room for? 

Happy shopping, 

a simpler life