The Animals Blogs

A few Simple Seed Starting Tips and Tricks will have you on your way to growing a successful garden.  Learning to Grow a Garden Love the idea of gardening but feel overwhelmed at the thought of starting? Questions like, how do I learn to garden or wh
When you don’t feel like cooking, open some jars of freezedried food. [Cooking_with_freezedried_and_garden_veg.PNG] After covering the Hoophouse with plastic, today, I just didn’t feel like having to cook something.  Making a Meal from Freeze-Dried
Will the Hoophouse survive the winter? What we did was easy for these two seniors to do! [Hoophouse_winter_protection.PNG] While the weather is nice, it is time to work on the Hoophouse for the winter protection. We are in the midst of some nice, wa
Making the hoophouse trellis for tomatoes. [Homestead_Hoophouse_trellis.PNG] As I write this, it is almost the end of October and there isn't much left growing in my gardens.  In the hoophouse, I have my precious peas that are just starting to be rea
Storage of freezedried food [Longterm_storage_of_freezedried_food.PNG] I was recently asked how I store my freeze-dried food. This is my process. My Storage Options I have two options that I use to store the food that I have preserved through the f
Here’s 5 beginner gardener mistakes. I made them all! Avoid them for a great start to the growing season. BEGINNER GARDENER MISTAKE 1: BUYING TOO MANY PLANTS OR SEEDS There is nothing quite like walking into a greenhouse! It’s warm, brightly lit, and
Fall garden peas - a success  [Fall_garden_peas.PNG] If I harvest nothing else from my first attempt at a fall garden, (zone 5), this year is a success, because, today, I harvested and ate my first pod of peas off my plants!  Fall Garden Planting B
 Starting a vegetable garden is a great way to be more self-sufficient and grow your own organic food, and it doesn’t need to break the bank! Keep reading to find some practical tips to start your vegetable garden on a budget. [Image] This post conta
Gardeners don’t like tomato hornworms on their tomatoes! [Tomato_hornworms_garden_pest.PNG] If you have ever had one of these caterpillars in your garden, you will know how destructive they can be. They are the hungriest of hungry caterpillars and ar
Pollinators are vital to a healthy, productive garden  [Attracting_pollinators_homestead.PNG] This summer, I was more aware of and attentive to the pollinators in my garden.  Flower pollinators that I saw:  • Bees • Wasps  • Flies • Butterflies • Mo
11 Ways to live a simpler life  (Aka homesteading your life) “Living a simpler life happens one step at a time. ” I recently shared this image on my Pinterest account and I thought I would expand on it today in my blog.  [A_Simpler_Life.PNG] Livin
Fall is the time to prepare garden beds for the spring. [prepping_old_trellis_bed_.png] As you know I set up some trellisses this past summer and I grew some plants as an experiment, knowing that I wouldn’t get any harvest off them before the first