Monthly Book Giveaway - February 2023


Carey Pressure Canner Review (continued) As soon as I found out that they now make electric pressure canners, I was shopping!  My research ended up with the purchase of the Carey version.  Trial #1 was the very expensive chicken thighs.  I cubed up
“Food in Jars”  by Marisa McClellan- the perfect book at the perfect time. [Book-giveaway-canning-recipes.PNG] This is the fourth time that has offered a free book giveaway and, for me, this book couldn’t have come at a better time. 
Yesterday, we had chicken and I made some broth. This morning, I preserved it. Making the most of a chicken I have to say up front that I’m not using all of the chicken because I didn’t raise the chicken, I didn’t harvest the chicken, and I didn’t
When you have a smaller pantry, you want to get the most jars into the small space and that, for me, means stacking them. But, when you stack them, you’re putting pressure on the middle of the lid, which pulls the edge away from the jar, potentially