Homestead Recipes #4: Swiss Chard Burrito

What to do with Swiss Chard when you don’t like it sautéed?

After lots of searching, I finally found a recipe for Swiss Chard that was not a sauté: using it as a wrap! Brilliant.

The Contents

 First, pressure cook some beans in the Instant Pot.
  • 1 cup beans 
  • An onion
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 3 cups liquid (broth and water)
Pressure cook for 30 minutes. 
Tip: don’t forget to close the vent, like I did. 

Next, add in the rest of the ingredients. I used: 
  • 1 pint freeze-dried Hamburg (cooked)
  • 1 pint freeze-dried tomatoes 
  • Seasonings (garlic, basil, red pepper flakes, paprika, chilli powder, salt, pepper) 
  • Water, as needed, to reconstitute the freeze-dried foods 
Heat. I just popped it into the Instant Pot for another 5 minutes

Now for the Swiss Chard.
Go to the garden and pick some fresh leaves.
  • Wash. 
  • Trim any of the stalk that is too hard for rolling.
  • Fill with some of the hot mixture
  • Roll 

Cooking options 

  • I ate it just like that. 
  • Or I could make a sauce for dipping.
  • I could pop it into the air fryer for a bit.
  • Or drizzle it with olive oil first. 
  • Or maybe steam it. 
  • Or cook it in a pot of tomato juice like cabbage rolls.
  • Or sauté it.
So many possibilities… even sautéed would work!

How do you use your Swiss Chard?
- Debbie

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  • Instant Pot
  • Harvest Right does have a referral program for their freeze-dryers. I would love to share with you what I have learned and be your referral person. Message me

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