Monthly Book Giveaway - February 2023

frugal meals

Ham Soup: a frugal meal on my homestead  [Ham_soup_frugal_meals.PNG] Today, I bought a ham, with bone in, for just $10. Now that is a good price, here in Canada, but even better when I think about how many meals that I’m going to get out of it.  Mak
What to do with Swiss Chard when you don’t like it sautéed? [Garden_Swiss_chard_burrito.PNG] After lots of searching, I finally found a recipe for Swiss Chard that was not a sauté: using it as a wrap! Brilliant. The Contents  First, pressure cook
Cooking with home-canned pears [Preserved_pears_crumble_dessert_recipe.PNG]  Preparing the Pears Let’s get started:  1. Preheat the oven to 375 F 2. Butter (heavily) baking pan. I chose to use my large cast iron pan, to bake the pear crumble 3. I op
A ”this and that” soup from scratch [Homemade_Soup.PNG] You know that PEAR CRUMBLE that I made today? Well, rather than scrubbing out all the residue of the sweet batter in the pot, I just used it “as is” for my homemade soup.  I thought it would
Cooking like grandma means cooking from scratch [Cooking_from_scratch.PNG] My grandmother, the one that I knew, had a family of twelve to feed on a daily basis. And - she did it in the 1920’s and beyond. Just imagine that. Now, I don’t remember
Goal: to have a pantry full of foods to provide you for the next 6-12 months or so (ex. from harvest season to harvest season) 2 Inexpensive strategies  1. Buy one more:  when doing your weekly shopping, instead of one set of supplies for a meal, (a