Hydroponic Bucket Grow System

Hydroponic Bucket Grow System
For this project, I use a 5-gallon bucket from any box store. I purchased a net cup lid that fits the 5-gallon bucket and has a 6-inch net cup center. In the net cup lid, I drilled a hole for a solar fish tank air pump and three larger holes for trellis supports. I start my peppers and transplant them into a 6-inch nursery pot that fits inside the net cup lid. I added the air pump with an air stone into the bucket to aerate the water and nutrients for the plant. Fill the water to the level of the basket or the pot inside the basket so the roots can reach the nutrients and water. I use powdered hydroponic nutrients mixed into the bucket and it lasts some time before topping off with more nutrients and water. Next season ill be adding 5 more bucket systems. The solar air pump can run air into all buckets by splitting the tubing. Ill be running two pumps next season or 1 pump per 3 buckets. 


I, too, tried a self-watering system and my contraption worked so well for my peppers!! 
The cucumbers didn’t like it as much .. probably needed more nutrients added throughout the season (so I’m learning now) 

I haven’t blogged about my set-up yet. 
I didn’t use the air pump. Never thought of that element. 

a simpler life