Project Greenhouse/ Hoophouse - will it work?

Project Greenhouse/ Hoophouse - will it work?
Ok, first of all, what I have been calling my greenhouse is apparently a hoophouse, not a greenhouse, because a greenhouse has supplemental heating. 

So.. project "Hoophouse". 

The Goal For The Hoophouse

The goal for the Hoophouse was to keep the critters out. 
And it worked!!! The experiment was definitely a SUCCESS !!  

I purchased both of my greenhouses, I mean hoophouses, through Amazon (see below), which was actually the cheapest and easiest way that I found. 

Setting them up 

Both versions of the Hoophouse went up really easily (even for these two "older" folks). 

The hardest part was getting the plastic over the frame. We needed a ladder and a broom to aid the progress, but we did it. 

We also had to dig a trench around the edge, so we could bury the flap of the plastic, to help secure it and to keep the critters out. This was hard work, as we were dealing with sod. But, again, we got it done. 

The effectiveness 

Now, it’s important to note that they don't keep the temperature up over night, but they will protect the plants from frost ... and with this morning's temperature of 3C (38F), we are getting close to frost warnings!! 

🐇 Keeping the critters out? 💯 percent. Win!! 

🌱 did the plants grow well? They loved it! What an amazing harvest we had. 

Would I buy them again?

Would I buy these again? Yes.. in fact, I might just add a third one, but I'm not sure on that. I think these two will meet our needs just fine.

I have blogged about how I've used them, what I've learned for next year. Gardening is always a learning curve.

Have you used hoophouses? What are your tips?
~ Debbie


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