30-Day Challenge #1: Ditching Pre-made Foods


This is part 1 in a 1 part series: 30-Day Challenge

  1. Ditching Pre-made Foods

I have a lot of convenience foods in my house. I admit it.

Do I like it? Part of me says “yes” and part of me says “no”.

Some items really are a convenience for me.
Some items are because Rick likes his “tried and true” faves.
Some items are, well, just because …

Now, knowing me, I am not strong in the will-power realm so ditching all of the convenience items and going “cold turkey”, as they say, is just disappointment in the making. So, I am going to start with one thing.

Choosing where to start

I’d like to say that I’m going to ditch store-bought bread as I love, love, love baking my own bread … but Rick likes his traditional white bread and, for me, if I make it I will eat it, even if I’m not even hungry for it. Bread, then, remains on the occasional list.

Salad dressings are my next thought and it ticks a lot of boxes for me:
✅ the cost
✅ the ingredients
✅ the ease of making it myself

Now, Rick has his favourite dressings and I’ll never be able to replace them (as the name itself is part of the allure for him) but I know that if I make a basic vinaigrette dressing that he will love it and maybe just maybe I’ll be able to adapt the recipe to mimic some of his favourites. We will start with the basic and move on from there.

Where I’m starting

For this week’s garbage day, I am going to clean out my fridge door, tossing all the half-empty salad dressings and I’m going to whip up a batch of home-made. 

From there, I will start experimenting. I might find a “Thousand Island” recipe that Rick will like. I might be surprised! 

Want to join me?

  • One month
  • One ditched convenience food
  • One home-made replacement
  • One 30-day commitment 

a simpler life