2023 Garden #5: What I learned this week


This is part 5 in a 5 part series: 2023 Garden

  1. February Journal
  1. What I’ve learned this week
  2. What I learned this week



As soon as our weather shifts (I think we’ve had rain for 3 weeks straight… and it is cold out) I will be searching my yard for plantain!!

I know that it is out there and that I have lots of it.
I have never pulled it it, knowing that it is a mashkiki-wan (Ojibwe for “medicinal plant”).

Until now, however, I have never really looked into it and, wow, it is one of the super-plants that are good for almost everything.

The Seeds

I will be gathering the seeds to use in my sourdough bread, adding a beautiful fibre to the loaves. 

The Leaves

The leaves can be used like spinach in cooking and, of course, for herbal remedies. 

Unlike comfrey, which heals wounds so quickly, trapping in anything that can cause inflammation, etc, the plantain leaves draw out debris, toxins, etc (as in insect bites) while it stops bleeding and heals the wounded area. 

Breathing, digestion, eyes, ears, mouth… I don’t have the full list but it sounds like it can be used for pretty much everything. 

Do your research

Do some research and find all the reasons for you wanting this in your pantry. (And of course, consult your medical practitioner for any health issues.) 



Check the soil temperature - I have planted a lot of things this spring, based on my “number of weeks before the last frost date” calendar but we have had such low temperatures that the soil really hasn’t had time to warm up and some seeds haven’t sprouted and some plants seem to be really stunted. 

I think it would have been wiser if I had gone by the soil temperature instead of the calendar. 

Yesterday, I was going to take some of my seedlings out into the greenhouse when the temperature reached 70F in there, but it never did. Usually, it gets well over 80F inside the protected space. My seedlings are still inside. Waiting.



Although it is wonderful to harvest fresh tomatoes from the dwarf tomato plants, neither vsriety that I have are scrumpdilicious. .. but they are fun and are definitely a conversation piece.

Perhaps there are better varieties out there??

Gardening: the ongoing learning curve 

What did YOU learn this week? 
- Debbie

a simpler life