Preserved COLESLAW

Preserved COLESLAW
Today, I used my Carey Electric Pressure Canner to can some homemade coleslaw. 


  •  1 large (or extra large) cabbage, shredded
  •  4 large carrots (or more) shredded
  •  4 peppers, chopped
  •  4 onions, chopped
Mix it all together.
Mix in 4 tsp salt and let it sit for an hour.

(Note: I didn’t have enough sweet onions so I used a jar of freeze-dried sweet onions as well. That was so handy! Definitely freeze-drying more sweet onions next fall.)

The brine

While the vegetables are sitting, prepare the brine:
  •  4 c. vinegar
  •  1 c. water
  •  8 c. sugar
  •  4 tsp celery seed
  •  4 tsp mustard seed
  •  1 tsp turmeric
Bring it to boil and boil for one minute.
Let it sit to cool.

(Note: I was out of celery seed and mistakingly bought celery salt. I had put in two teaspoons before I realized my mistake.)

Putting it together 

When the brine is cool, 
  • drain the water from the vegetables (drawn out by the salt) and 
  • mix the veggies with the vinegar solution.
  • Pack the mixture into jars and process in a hot water bath for 15 minutes.

Note: I used half-pint jars so that we have just enough for the two of us, for one meal. 
I, also, filled one quart jar and put it in the fridge, as I had ran out of the small jars. 

How to use the coleslaw

  • As coleslaw, of course
  • As filling for egg rolls (for example)
  • Drain it and stir in some mayonnaise
  • Use it in stir-fries 
  • What about soup? I wonder… 

Any other ideas?
- Debbie
(Today’s blog)


These products are what I use and all opinions expressed here are my own. This list may contain affiliate links from which, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission if you choose to use my link … and if you do, know that I appreciate you!
  • Carey Pressure Canner
  • Canning Jars (buy them when you can find them!)
  • Harvest Right Freeze-Dryer: the company has a referral program. I’d gladly share all that I’ve learned with you and be your referral person (and get you some free Mylar bags!). Message me. 

a simpler life

Great recipe I’ll be using this when I harvest my cabbage 
Yes, I’ll be making lots next fall … I need to plant more cabbage this year!

a simpler life

Egg roll bowls? Basically egg rolls, but put together in a bowl with either rice or quinoa. No rolling required!! 

K Kennedy

No rolling - love that!! 

a simpler life

My Wife loves her Banana Peppers, and uses the exact same recipe, I started off of her, and make my Cowboy Candy which is my use of Jalapeno's. Don't worry they come out quite sweet, and tasty, but I've never hit hot notes, but I always cut mine in half, and use a spoon to scrape out the spine, and seeds, then chop the peppers, onions, and other peppers to small pieces.

Before peppers my Wife used this recipe to put up strawberries from our patch. We have a raised garden 4' x 12' x 10" deep, and have a good growth of annual and ever bearing strawberries in it, and get close to a bumper crop from it every year. It allows her about 60 to 80 1/2 quart jars per season, which is enough to gift friends, and us to enjoy a constant spread for morning toast, and all manner of treats. I'm Diabetic, so we switch Sugar for Splenda, and it has never caused a burp in taste, or the amount of sweetness. Needless to say our "garage fridge" is pretty full of peppers, and Jam, but we like it that way. 

You can leave these unopened for 1 year, so you can jump season to season, HOWEVER if you open one, you only have 3 to 4 weeks to make it go away, or some food borne illnesses may come to see you. The advantage to sealed lids, and boiling is a longer life, and here they can be on a shelf, so it frees up your fridge. Plus if you open them you have 3 to 4 months to eat them. 

Knowing how you want to use the product may help in choosing to hot water heat, and jar, or sealed lids, and hard boil, and which would work best for you. There is just reams of info online for either method, and quite a few sites showing both methods, and the differences with plenty more info than this simple explanation than I have made here.

Interesting about growing cabbage. We used to when we had an acre plus garden. Now that we have a few raised beds we grow in, and being heavily pepper oriented, we have found buying them from the farm store sellers at the local farm markets we save the space, and actually these Farmers aren't getting paid much for their product, so cost per head isn't far from what we found ours to be growing our own. Quality is just as good. Cabbage is one of those crops you can look at and get a good idea if it's good or bad.
Cowboy candy is in my list for this year - I was worried about the heat as neither of us like a the kick … can’t wait to try them 

a simpler life

Buying locally - I, too, have a list of items that I’d rather buy locally than use the space in my gardens 
.. cabbage and sweet corn are the main ones 

a simpler life