Monthly Book Giveaway - February 2023

Fire Cider

Fire Cider
Fire Cider brewing! 


I’ve hear of this thing … but never looked into the ingredients or the why/how 

a simpler life

It’s fantastic for upper respiratory  health. 

It’s very versatile and many different recipes can be found online. 

I do my best to use the hottest and most potent ingredients. 

Here is what I used:

  • 1/2 chopped red onion
  • 1/2 sliced jalapeño
  • 1/2 sliced cayenne pepper
  • 1 Tbsp Tumeric
  • 1 Tbsp Grated Fresh Ginger
  • 1 Full Lemon cut and squeezed
  • 10 sprigs of Thyme

  • Put all into a 32 oz mason jar
  • Fill with Raw Apple Cider
  • Leave a little head room
  • Seal and put in a dark place
  • After 3 weeks you can strain out the herbs-give to your chickens- and bottle up the cider for use!


Ps. I also had garlic in there

After you strain it you’ll wNt to sweeten with raw honey


And then drink it? Tsp? 
Or just lean over and breathe that bad boy in? Lol

a simpler life

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