Seed organization

Seed organization
Anyone else having the garden itch?
I decided to pull out my seeds and get them organized. I found this container at Walmart and it's working out better than expected. I am planning on placing an order for some seed packets for all my personal seeds. I may need a second container 🤣
How do you organize your seeds?

I’ve got the itch!!! Big time!

I think your container is what I have MANY of … I love them. 
You added your own dividers, yes? 

You definitely need a second container … lol 

I have two organizers. My family laughs at me but some sections only have one packet of seeds in them, so it isn’t that bad 


I will have to do a post about my collection. 

a simpler life

Hello Debbie,
I do love this container and the dividers actually came with it. It's still a work in progress but I have merged packets of multiples together, funny how many of the same seeds I have haha. Doing this has freed up space to fit everything. I separated the compartments into Fruits, Veggies, Herbs and Flowers. Worked out perfectly 💜🌻
Oh “with dividers” - that’s perfect then !!!

a simpler life