2024 Garden Season #16: Carrots … they are teasing me


This is part 16 in a 20 part series: 2024 Garden Season

I have always grown carrots in my garden. 
I have always had a carrot harvest.

And then .. 

I started watching videos telling me what I should and shouldn’t do in order to have a good crop of carrots.

And then …

No carrots.


Nothing germinated, no matter what method I tried.

Nothing again this spring.

Until …

I gave up and tossed a handful of seeds into a pocket on my GreenStalk, hoping that at least three of the seeds would grow.

And then?

And, then, this happened …

Every seed germinated and sprouted! 

And, now? 

Now I have to pull out most of those seedlings and leave just three or four. 

It is going to break my heart! I’ve tried for two years to get any carrots tog row and now I have pull them out. 

Carrots - you are teasing me! 
- Debbie

a simpler life