Parsnips as breadcrumbs?

Parsnips as breadcrumbs?
Breaded Chicken for dinner

Earlier this year, I wanted to have breaded chicken for dinner but I didn’t have any breadcrumbs.   But I did have freeze-dried parsnips. Crumbled up, they looked liked breadcrumbs… why not?

And so I did! 


  1. Grow parsnips in your garden, or purchase some 
  2. Clean and chop (small pieces process faster) 
  3. You can freeze this until you have a full load for the freeze-dryer
  4. Freeze-dry
  5. Store in vacuum-sealed container 
Note: today, I couldn’t find my parsnips so I used rutabaga … on my “to do” list is to organize my freeze-dried goods)

The Breadcrumbs

  1. In a (Ninja) blender, grind the freeze-dried vegetables into a crumb or powder 
  2. Add in: salt, pepper, garlic powder, and paprika (I used my home-grown freeze-dried paprika peppers) 
  3. Mix well. 

Breading the Chicken

  1. Pat chicken pieces dry
  2. Using a small portion of your parsnip crumbs, bread the chicken on both sides 
Note: if you use it all at once, any extra will have to be thrown out. (Lesson learned)


  • Bake at 400F for 20 minutes (turning after 10 minutes) 
Note: I would have used the air fryer except I was already using the oven for squash. No need to use two appliances. 

The Squash

  1. Wash
  2. Cut squash in half
  3. Remove the seeds (clean away fibres and bake the seeds in olive oil and garlic salt)
  4. Put squash on tray, cut side up
  5. Add some olive oil, brown sugar, and a sprinkle of cinnamon
  6. Bake 450f for 45 min
  7. Drain the liquid into bowl
  8. Turn squash upside down and flatten
  9. Remove skin
  10. Mix squash flesh with the drained liquid
  11. Serve 

The Results

The best assessment of the dish is to wait for feedback from my picky-eater. 

“This is really good. 
Did you cook it in barbecue sauce?” 


The powdered vegetables (parsnip or rutabaga) is sweet, as is my homemade paprika. Add in the salt, pepper, and garlic, and you have the makings of a barbecue sauce!

Good to know.

What would you add to enhance the barbecue sauce flavour?

The squash? It didn’t past the taste-test. He just doesn’t like squash. I tried. Off the list it goes. No need to grow it if we aren’t going to eat it. … but maybe it would make great breadcrumbs!!
What I am going to do with these leftovers is freeze-dry them. Because they are sweet, I can add the powdered squash to baking ingredients… maybe even my sourdough bread!

- Debbie


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  • Harvest Right Freeze-Dryer: the company has a referral program. I’d gladly share all that I’ve learned with you and be your referral person (and get you some free Mylar bags!). Message me. 
  • Ninja blender 

a simpler life