Monthly Book Giveaway - February 2023

modern homesteading

How fortunate we are that, while we work towards living our homesteading lifestyle, remembering the old ways, we also have access to modern perks, such as the internet and medical supports. Today, Rick is having his first cataract eye surgery and, al
[Standing_Bear_Network_Maple_Syrup.jpg] This morning, this teachings story appeared in my FB feed and my first thought went to homesteading and the work involved in maintaining a happy, healthy home. (Shared with permission from Standing Bear Netwo
Our Hoophouse has been a great garden space. Now, that it is staying, it is time to take care of the walkways. [Hoophouse_woodchip_walkways.PNG] The Hoophouse Journey Recap This past spring, we bought a Hoophouse, through Amazon, as an experiment.