Monthly Book Giveaway - February 2023


An organized kitchen is a time-saver. [How_to_organize_a_kitchen.PNG] Let me state right up front (but please don’t stop reading) … I did not get the housekeeping gene!! My mother kept all of those to herself, I think.  So, here I am at 64, and I
As families venture into the homesteading life, one of the first things they do is cook more from scratch and that often includes baking their own bread.  And bread means flour.  [5_tips_for_storing_flour.PNG] As a homesteader, being frugal is impor
Save time in the kitchen by making double batches and preserving one for the future.  [Saving_time_in_the_kitchen.PNG] I woke up in the middle of the night with my mouth watering, thinking about that delicious pear crumble that I made the other day.